Betonica officinalis


Common Name: Betony

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Lamiaceae (family name)
Forage for Pollinators: Produces Nectar for Long-tongued and Short-tongued Bumblebees, especially popular with the Wool-carder solitary bee, who will also build its nests nearby under old moss, leaf litter and fine grass, especially in pot plants we have found. (Anthidium manicartum).
Flowering time: June, July, August, September.
Growing information: NATIVE PERENNIAL WILDFLOWER growing to 0.6 m (2ft) by 0.4 m (1ft 6in).This is a beautiful and long-lived grassland wildflower preferring damp, slightly acidic and poor soils of meadows, hedge-banks, open woodland, but is also extremely garden-worthy in the right soil, perfect mid-border, its leaves forming very attractive clumps of small leaves which reach only about 12 inches, so could also be used as ground-cover. Leaves can be used as a tea substitute. Has a long history of use as a medicinal herb for a wide range of complaints such as ‘frayed nerves’ or poor memory but under supervision of a herbalist.
(Sow in autumn to allow a period of chilling to break seed dormancy)