Radish (Rhapinus sativus) – info. only


Forage for Pollinators: Garden radish left to flower (for seed-saving), and in common with Fodder Radish for cover crops, produces excellent quality pollen and nectar for absolutely all bees: Honeybees, Bumblebees (both long and short-tongued) and Solitary bees. Especially the great Yellow Bumblebee (Bombus distinguendus), which is declining rapidly, and which also likes foraging on Red Clover (see our pollinator cover crop seed section).
Flowering time: June, July, August, September
Growing information: Open pollinated variety. Sow this summer radish in succession from March to September, into well prepared, rich soil which is free-draining, in drills 6 inches apart, thinning the radish to 1 inch spacing (remembering to sow extra for leaving to flower and set seed). They grow really fast, so are a great starter vegetable for kids to grow, producing beautiful half-long red radishes with white tips. They do need watering regularly so they fill out nicely.