Pycnanthemum pilosum


Common Name: Mountain Mint



Lamiaceae (family name)
Forage for Pollinators: Produces copious Nectar for bees, Honeybees, Short and Long-tongued bees, Solitary bees, hoverflies (particularly the Hornet Mimic Hoverfly), butterflies and moths
Flowering time: July, August, September
Growing information: HERBACEOUS PERRENIAL, fully hardy, clump-forming growing to 1-3’(30 – 90 cm) high by 1-3’ (30 – 90cm) wide though grows less tall in very dry places. Drought tolerant it grows well in any dry to medium free-draining soils, of any pH, in sun or part-shade though flowers best in full sun. It spreads by rhizomes and is easily root-pruned in Spring to check its spread. This is a native plant of Eastern and central USA, and recognized there as an important ‘must have’ plant for bees and other pollinators. Its white –lavender corymb (up to 40mm) flower-heads with subtle purple speckles are absolutely packed with nectar. And its leaves which grow up to 70mm long have a pleasant minty aroma when bruised or brushed past. It has no known pests or diseases and can be used as a culinary herb to flavour tea and marinades, with anecdotal medicinal effects.
Photo by Bee Happy Plants & Seeds