Leycesteria formosa


Common Name: Himalayan honeysuckle



Caprifoliaceae (family name)

Forage for Pollinators: Extremely attractive to solitary and bumblebees, especially large bumblebees are seen frequently gathering nectar and pollen on warm days.
Flowering time: July, August. And the flower/fruiting bracts dangling like jewels persist into October.

Growing information: DECIDUOUS SHRUB growing to 1.5-2.5 m (5-8 feet) height and width. Robust and easy to grow in most soils of any pH, and with some drought tolerance, it will also tolerate growing in full sun or partial shade. It does like a moist though free-draining soil. Hardy to -15 in most of the UK in cold winters, though prefers a spot sheltered from cold north-east winds. The ornamental fruits (which some authorities say can be eaten, and some say must not be eaten. Do your own research on this point,) appear in August and September are a delicacy for blackbirds and pheasants. Native to China and Tibet, this is now widely grown in the UK and has a protective and moisture-retentive effect on soils which might otherwise be exposed to drying and erosion. Perfect back of the border. Ideally pruned in early spring and can be cut back to ground level, as it flowers on new season’s growth. Pretty much pest-free.
Photo courtesy of BBC Gardener’s World