Lavandula x intermedia ‘Woodhayes’


Common Name:

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Lamiaceae (family name)
Forage for Pollinators: This is a major forage plants for Long and Short-tongued Bumblebees, and a honey plant for Honeybees, producing abundant nectar (even in the UK where this can be grown field-scale), also for Solitary bees, Butterflies and Moths. This cultivar produces no seed, but its nectar production is so copious that it should have a place in every garden, absolutely indispensable to all pollinators.
Flowering time: July, August, September
Growing information: Evergreen shrub grows to 90cm (3ft) x 1.2m (4ft) over time. This is possibly one of the longest-lived Lavenders ever recorded; our plants coming from mother plants which are well over 100 years old, their old, gnarled main stems are as thick as a man’s forearm. A hybrid between Lavandula latifolia and Lavandula angustifolia. Please note, they also grow very slowly, perhaps indicating their longevity. Fully hardy. Thrives in most well-drained, soils, though young plants should be watered during droughts. South-facing is ideal for reaching peak nectar production. Prune March-April and September-October but not into old wood. Take cuttings June-September. This plant goes very well with any other Lavender and Rosemary for a beautifully fragranced garden.