Verbena bonariensis


Common Name: Argentinian Vervain

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Verbenaceae (family name)
Forage for Pollinators: Produces Nectar freely for Honeybees, Bumblebees and Butterflies.
Flowering time: July, August, September, October.
Growing information: PERENNIAL. Tall, leggy plants to 1.5m (4-5 feet) by 45cm (2-3 feet). This is a borderline-hardy wildflower, native to North America, and currently a popular UK border-flower. Best planted tightly (12 inches apart or less) in drifts, it prefers well-drained, light or medium and moist soil in full sun and sheltered from wind. It will self-seed and seedlings which survive may be a little hardier than the parent species. After flowering and from November some of the flowering stalks can be cut back (though leave some to help the plant survive winter, and sticks for wildlife to use), and mulching may well help it survive winter in southern counties. Noted for attracting wildlife.