Verbascum nigrum


Common Name: Dark Mullein

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Scrophulariaceae (family name)
Forage for Pollinators: Produces Pollen in profusion for Honeybees, Bumblebees and is particularly popular with Solitary bees (when many other sources are over). The wool-carder bee (Anthidium manicatum) uses these plant hairs from the leaves and stems to line its nest, and females can be observed collecting their little balls of wool before returning to their nest. Pollinated by bees, moths and butterflies.
Flowering time: June, July, August.
Growing information: NATIVE BIENNIAL WILDFLOWER growing to 0.5 – 1m (3ft). Prefers free-draining soil, but otherwise not fussy. With multiple flowering spikes, each yellow flower bears red pollen on its stamens. Like its close relative Verbascum thapsus, it is also attractive as a larval food for the Mullein Moth, birds eat the seeds in winter and the old hollow stems make good bee nests. The Wool-carder bee (Anthidium manicatum) uses the fine hairs on these leaves to line its nests. Self sows readily.
Traditionally a commonly used herbal remedy, valued for treating bronchitis, combining well with other expectorants such as Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara). The leaves and the flowers are anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, expectorant and more.

(sow late spring to early summer, takes 2 or 3 weeks to germinate)