Forage for Pollinators: Produces Nectar in profusion (and some Pollen) for Honeybees, long and short-tongued Bumblebees, Solitary bees, and is also visited by butterflies, moths and beetles.
Flowering time: June, July, August
Growing information:SHRUB hardy to minus 28ºC, Buttonbush grows to 1m-2.5m (3-8′) high, sometimes taller. The spherical flower-heads occur on branching stalks, or from the axils of the leaves. Each one is about 1–1½” across, and covered with sweetly fragrant, small white or cream flowers. The 4 short stamens and a single white style that is long and undivided, projects beyond the corolla, giving the flowers a starburst appearance. The fruit is like a narrow upside-down pyramid. Native to North America, where it is an important nectar source, growing well in sandy, loamy soils or alluvial soils with sand or silt surfaces and prefers acidic or neutral soils.