Campanula glomerata


Common Name: Clustered Bellflower

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Campanulaceae (family name)
Forage for pollinators: Visited for nectar and pollen by Short-tongued Bumblebees, Honeybees, and Long-tongued Bumblebees and Solitary bees. Harebell mason bees and mining bees collect pollen exclusively from Campanulas, and can be found sheltering in the flower overnight.

Flowering time: June, July, August, September
Growing information: Native rhizomatous perennial forming an extensive clump of erect stems bearing dark green leaves and racemes of violet-blue flowers between 10 – 60 cm high by 50cm – 1m wide, and taking 2 – 5 years to reach maturity. It prefers full sun or partial shade on free-draining soil such as chalk which is alkaline or neutral. Suitable for naturalizing in wildlife or low maintenance cottage and informal gardens. Cutting back after flowering can encourage a second flush of flowers. In the wild they can appear in good numbers on dry hilly pastures